Announcement: June 1st, 2002

Fellow members,

As a new senior member of the RBUA, I just wanted to take the time to introduce myself. I will assume none of you know who I am, just for ease of introductions. I'm Bob Carrick, a Broadband Consultant, specializing in consumer PPPoE. I won't get into all that, if you want to learn more about what I do you can visit here:

I was asked to join RBUA in part to do with my fight against Bell Sympatico on their introduction to bit caps and my knowledge of Bell DSL etc. With my recent appointment to RBUA we've been able to make a large dent in the fight on Bell Sympatico and Rogers' impending bit caps. Over the last week we've spent several hours creating our policy, you can read it here:

RBUA has also taken over responsibility for the petition against these caps that I started before my membership. Hopefully you have all signed it. You can view it here: It's growing at a rate of 1000 signatures per week, so it can only help in our fight against these caps. If you know anyone that would or should sign it please get it out to them.

This stance against bit caps is only the first of many policies I plan on working on and I will endeavor to stay true to the needs of our constituents, as well as hope to put a stop to provider abuse and the monopoly tactics of Bell Sympatico and Rogers.

If you would like to speak to me directly or have concerns about Bell Sympatico procedures or any ideas, you can contact me at


Bob Carrick

Vice President of ADSL Operations and Policy,

Residential Broadband Users' Association

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